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Lucile works with clients from various disciplines ranging from high-level athletes to internationally-renowned athletes and CEOs of multinational companies.

She works on developing physical performances (Olympics and other international competition training) as well as artistic performances (preparation for concerts and contests) and professional skills (communication, management, leadership).
Lucile’s work is founded on respect for others and self-awareness.
To enquire about individual coaching, please fill-in the contact form or send an email to

Project mentoring

Using tools from the fields of coaching and personal development (NLP, transactional analysis, mental visualization, non-violent communication, etc.), Lucile helps each person she works with define what it means for them to succeed professionally.

Coaching and training approaches:

  • Manage stress during meetings and public speaking obligations
  • Define and reach goals efficiently
  • Develop winning strategies
  • Reinforce competitiveness using innovative solutions
  • Intensify leadership • Expand breadth of skills and activities
  • Develop new fields of action
  • Learn to manage and use stress-based energy
  • Experience change positively
  • Gain control over a public image
  • Strengthen charisma • Improve public speaking skills
  • Resolve conflicts
  • Understand anger and express it positively
  • Learn to delegate tasks

Coaching for athletes

Because physical limits are often connected to mental ones, Lucile uses her twenty years of multi-disciplinary experience to coach athletes as they train for international competitions. Muscular tests, mental visualization, stress and energy management, support point balancing, self-confidence… all of these are techniques and methods that help athletes position themselves, increase confidence in the mind and body, and surpass their limits.

Coaching and training approaches:

  • Learn mental visualization
  • Deal with the stress of contests and events
  • Determine and reach objectives efficiently
  • Balance physical support points
  • Learn to deal with and better use stress-based energy
  • Develop self-confidence • Increase personal determination

Physical balancing:

  • Fitness and stress management through breathing and relaxation
  • Emotional and physical balancing

Coaching for artists

Lucile works with artists to develop their creativity and talents and to help them better manage their careers. With musicians, she uses breathing and sound techniques; with singers and actors, her sound- and voice-based approaches are particularly well-suited. Postural exercises and work on internal energy centers help dancers to improve their stage performances.

These techniques, either combined or kept apart, help artists to maintain control over their energy, thus leading to increased creativity and self-confidence.
Coaching and training approaches:
  • Deal with stage fright before concerts and shows
  • Expand artistic expression
  • Work in harmony with the body
  • Find centers of strength and creativity
  • Learn to manage and better use stress-based energy
  • Develop self-confidence
  • Increase personal determination
  • Improve general facility and fluidity in all areas of activity
Physical balancing:
  • Fitness and stress management through breathing and relaxation
  • Emotional and physical balancing
  • Corporal balancing through postural training