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Nicolas Berggruen

Philanthrope & Investisseur. Los Angeles USA

Dear Lucile,
You are entirely unique.
You understand the difference between a person as they seem, as they truly are or as they would like to be.
And you have the gift to lighten up these persons and to create a bridge between them.
All of that while staying human, subtle and full of humor. You are a gift for those who know you and work with you. Thank you !

Yelberton R Watkins

Congressional Staff Directory, Gouvernement Obama. Washington DC, USA

Lucile, it was such a pleasure meeting you!! I didn’t realize
you could help me to sort out my “life”

Olivier Maurel

Olivier Maurel

Entrepreneur-Facilitator: Collective Intelligence & Deep Ecology, France

Lucile’s contact was given to me by 2 creative, committed, successful entrepreneurs who know how to combine their gifts for the world with personal evolution work.

I had several sessions with Lucile, over a short period of time, to unravel complex entanglements in a focused and rapid manner. I appreciated her ability to navigate on different levels, to listen to my needs (finesse, availability, presence) and to propose approaches that were both tailored and methodical. I could feel, directly through my body, that the work was being done during the sessions. I left with new keys to reading and concrete actions to put in place.

The investment made allowed me to pass essential milestones in my journey.

I recommend it for people who are ready to invest themselves, with gentleness and audacity.

Gisèle Szczyglak

Philosopher & Executive Coach

When I met Lucile for the first time, I have been impressed by her radiant and brilliant energy. Lucile seems to be traveling across different worlds; using all its keys to open the door you have always been looking for. Lucile has the power to overcome any kind of barrier that prevents you from going on your personal journey. I feel lucky that we have started working together

Dominique Bel

Media producer and transformation strategist, Canada

I’ve been running businesses and complex projects all my life. I even took on the role of strategic advisor to help entrepreneurs and senior executives drive corporate performance to higher levels. Then I crossed paths with Lucile. Lucile raises my game. Her ability to zero in on blind spots, to unlock hidden resistances, to help channel energy and to anchor focus and resolve, to help assemble a dream team and transform a vision into an ambitious, meaningful and successful venture is, to my knowledge, unmatched. I highly recommend Lucile to any leader with a vision and the drive “to make a dent in the universe”.

Pierre Vergès

Politician. France

Thank you for your kindness and frienship. It shows that Life is worth living through what is best: sincerity, being open to listen, to hear and understand others….

Nathalie Rivalain

L’Oreal. France

The experiment at Lucile is extraordinary, whereas I had lost any confidence in me, incompetent to work, reflect, exhausted… A our first meeting, it told me : “you still have energy..You arrived at the end of a strategy but not of your forces”.
In three weeks, Lucile enabled me to find my capacities to pass a job interview where I was selected for my competences and my motivation among 25 candidates.
After 4 months ….. I knew to rebound in my new job with successes, while founding what I had desire and need to live and especially while respecting which I am. I will never say myself rather thank you, for your benevolence and that of which you made me become aware.

Anne-Sophie Cambay

Marketing et Business Development Consultant. France.

I never really intended to start a coaching adventure – not particularly impressed by the people I had met in that field. Then I met Lucile! For me, it is not easy to define the work done by Lucile : it is totally personal, in depth – reconnecting you that way to your true self. Work in progress for me…but a fundamental milestone in my life so far.

Yolaine Médélice

Communication director, ESAG Penninghen. France

Working with Lucile leads us to self-awareness and self-fulfillment. With joy, lightness, humor and sensibility, Lucile proposes an in-depth approach to the essence of the human being: courage, capacity, responsibility. Limits are shed, and freedom takes over.

Virginie Bailly

Femmes Solidaires, France

Working with Lucile means going deep to the treasure that is in each of us. It is also learning to see what is true around you with benevolence and gratitude without judgments … in the same way that Lucile knows how to listen to us when we are with her.

Christine Carstensen

Coach, therapist, France

Going to see Lucile for a professional consultation is a surefire way to make serious progress. She gets you in shape in a safe, pleasant environment. She puts your energies back into balance. And she asks just the right questions to get straight to the blocked areas that are keeping you from reaching your goals or moving forward. And then she goes to the plan of action – returning to a path that you’d abandoned, forgotten, or never thought to explore more. With Lucile you’re a co-creator, which means that you’re no longer impeding the process with rigid mental barricades, and you’re activating even more pertinent resources that Lucile’s defined for you. At the end of the session, you prepare the next steps to make the objective a reality. 


    Benoît Kounkoud

    PSG Handball player, France

    What a discovery! I am so happy that our paths have crossed, so grateful for what you bring me, so admirative of you and your energy. Your work and your gifts are amazing. Thank you, thanks to Source for having aligned us in working together. Eventhough it is recent, the effects are profound.
    From another child of Source who discovers himself and learns so much thanks to you!

    Enoch EFFAH

    Triple World Champion in French Boxing, France.

    Lucile, Here is spontaneous summary of our meeting. Lots of heart, energy, punch, professionalism, good listening, sharing, creativity, newfound freedom, vision, all of these elements put together to get to… LOVE. Love of what? Of the self, to make the world a better place. Lucile, our meeting gave me what I need to give my all, to fully assume and reinforce my role as an actor in this world that needs each one of us. I’m thanking you with written words, but I will also thank you through the actions I carry out on a daily basis. My hope is that all will have the chance to share the experience of your “unique” approach. Thank you.

    Enoch’s video testimonial

    Malek Boukerchi

    Marathon Runner. France

    L.u.c.i.l.e., her name is a trip invitation : she is a generous Lamp, in order to
    Understand with simplicity how your body and your mind are really Connected in one strong “tellos”/aim : Improvement and Inspiration
    how to increase its skills in Leadership, how to reach Excellence !
    Thanks for all your marvellous advices !
    And thanks to You , my Antarctica adventure was a magical success !
    Interview with Malek and Lucile

    Maria Ribeiro

    Pole vaulter, France/Portugal

    An incredible encounter that changed my life…
    I want to thank you for accompanying me during the most difficult time in my athletic career (2016). I ended up qualifying for the Olympic Games in Rio after being off to a pretty bad start.
    Thanks to you, I went from dream to reality in just a few months. Thank you Lucile for your never ending investment and energy.

    Maria’s testimonial

    Matthieu Burner

    Dancer, Germany

    The work with Lucile is for me a quantic jump into making possible what I thought would never change
    It is a deep relief to be able to connect to a source in me that inspire and guide my life. As a dancer I feel closer to my physical intuition and regain lost spaces around me to playfully explore my creativity with higher sensitivity.

    During the sessions, I’m learning to let go of control and trust my inner intelligence. The guidance of Lucile is a precious support in the challenging depth of my emotional structure that allowed me to transcend limiting belief I had about myself and the world. As i integrate all the different aspects of myself, pleasant and unpleasant, I feel much more complete, and able to tenderly support who I’m.

    It brought back a lot of satisfaction and an exciting feeling of experiencing the now. I rediscovered the power of sharing my presence with an audience but also with family and friends and most of all, with me.

    Today, I feel how beautifully simple life can be.
    Much gratitude to you, chère Lucile.

    Mikael Marklund

    Dancer, Berlin

    “Lucile helps you to use the intelligence you have, and not to put too much focus on what intelligence others might have or have. Whatever it might be she makes you understand that what you have and what you are is enough even if it is no way for you that “that” would be enough. It changes the question form what do i not have, to: what do I want?”


      Laurent Chétouane

      Choreographer, Germany

      The paths we have chosen are not always those that truly suit us best. Lucile helped me to listen and to follow my true desire, and to find the courage I needed to let myself be guided.
      Many thanks.

      Géraldine Anello

      Musical Director , New York, USA

      I’ve been working with Lucile for a couple of years, and I must say that from my very first session, she has led me to more personal discoveries and breakthroughs than I even knew I had to work through in order to achieve my goals! The real life results have been a rapid and steady growth in my career, which she has directly helped me not only reach but also handle. The sessions always take me to unexpected places, and I always leave feeling better than before- Lucile’s friendly and grounded personality playing a big role in that. I highly recommend her to anyone who want to take their career to the next level, and enjoy the process while doing it.

      Roberta Mosca

      Forsythe’s dancer, Italy

      A few months ago I had the chance and the privilege to start to work with Lucile.
      My life since then has quite radically changed in a much more positive and healthy
      way. She has and is helping me to go through the changes with ease and grace.
      Lucile has the amazing talent of being able to see and feel with others in a very deep and loving way.
      I felt like she could take my hand and show me the way step by step in places where I thought no one could enter.
      I feel like I’m getting more and more in touch with my power, strength and a trust that I didn’t know I could have.
      Lucile can act truly in the present and she knows what is going on and what is
      needed in every session, I’m so impressed by how precise she is every time .
      I have done a couple of decades of work on myself but only since I work with Lucile I have the clarity that I can change my life into a happy one and the progresses are really, really fast !
      Thank you Lucile !

      Doriane Gable

      Violoniste Opéra de Paris, France

      I understood how beneficial and fruitful my meeting with Lucile was when the feeling of regret for not having met her earlier faded and gave way to the acceptance that from now on, I would have the chance to perceive my life differently thanks to her work, without denying any of my previous choices…

      Hakim Bouacha

      actor, dancer, lyrical singer, Belgium

      Lucile has been a tremendous help in my professional and personal life. Her active listening, her advice and her exercises have been of great importance and efficiency. Lucile has allowed me to unblock long-standing problems in just a few sessions.
      Thank you very much Lucile.

      Naziha Mestaoui

      Artist, One Heart , One Tree creator, France

      Working with Lucile gives me the possibility to take a big distance and analyze the situation from a further point of view. It has a strong impact on the way projects evolve, and allows to focus and center on the essential. It also gives the possibility to think a different way and discover new solutions.
      This totally new way of developing projects enhances my efficiency and helps me to solve potential problems before they actually become problems.
      Thank you Lucile for your incredible work and generosity!

      Frank Giroud

      Scenarist, Le Décalogue, France.

      For Lucile, the Queen of both Worlds!
      See the testimonial…

      Franck Vogel

      Photo journalist, France

      I met Lucile 6 years ago but I didn’t really know what she was doing…we were just friends. Last year I finally realized and it was Amazing! After only 3 sessions I was able to overcome mental blocks and push my limits. Thanks Lucile!

      Marine de Montille

      Singer, actress. France

      I met Lucile after reading a news paper. It was like a big intuition, I had to met her. And our work was like my intuition… It Helped me to being focus “on my way”, to develop my art and my work.
      Her work is very sensitive, intuitive and right. It helps me to see inside me and around me to being where I have to be, to expand my art.
      Thank you Lucile!

      Simon Danger

      Multimedia phot director, Groupe Le Monde, France

      We could play on the fact that Lucile means “Light”, that she leads us to the light that everyone has. Or that she shows us another side of the mountain, but in fact she simply transmits her joy to us, and rolls us in the flour without us seeing anything coming to lead us to what we are.
      And we say THANK YOU to her.

      Claire Assali

      Actress, France

      Working with Lucile, I learned that I have a chance to really become myself: it means that I have the power to create my life day after day and I love it! Lucile is truly committed to your evolution and that changes everything. To feel, to believe, to act and to see your dreams come true… It’s possible and for that thank you Lucile.

      Laurent Cyr

      Actor, realisator, France

      Lucile helped me to materialize my unrealized desires and dreams.
      She has the power to make people happy.

      Armelle Le Guillerm

      Cartoonist. France

      “Impossible is not Lucile”
      Click here to see the testomial

      Julie Yukiko

      Singer, podcaster, Japan

      See her video testimonial after her first session with Lucile.